4/2/13 - The Genoa Township board met Monday night and authorized some funds for additional expenses related to updating the municipalityâs future land use plan. The township is in the process of updating the plan and the $4,000 was deemed necessary since itâs been putting more focus on the area directly south of the proposed Latson Road interchange than originally intended, including additional meetings and materials. Itâs essentially the area between Crooked Lake and the new interchange. Assistant Township Manager and Community Development Director Kelly VanMarter tells WHMI they previously hosted workshops with residents for input, which went really well, but they wanted to expand on that and felt it would be beneficial to host meetings with small groups of those property owners to discuss plans for the area and gain additional feedback. VanMarter says theyâre leaning toward a campus concept near the interchange to allow for a hospital, university or corporate headquarters and are looking to attract a large user to the area. However, she says theyâre still working on how to best identify and define the limits, how big it should be and how to best transition from the campus setting into a rural community, which is whatâs there now. The updated plan and revision are expected to be presented to the planning commission for review and hearings this summer. (JK)