4/6/13 - All Argentine Township residents can expect to have an assessor visit their homes sometime this year. The township board has hired an assessing firm to go door-to-door and provide an updated assessment of all 4,000 homes in the municipality. The Tri-County Times reports the new assessments were mandated by the state and are intended to provide residents with a more accurate tax card. This is the first township-wide assessment conducted by Argentine in 17 years and will cost the township about $150,000. A home assessment will include a representative measuring various structures and asking the homeowner about the characteristics of the property. Each one will take between 30 and 60 minutes and will include a photo of the property for file records. If a homeowner prohibits access to their property, the assessor will have to stand at the road and estimate the value of the home. Questions or disputes should be addressed to the township offices. (TD)