4/14/13 - The Howell City Police Department is reminding parents and young drivers about a recent change in Michigan driving law. Kelseyâs Law went into effect on March 28th, amending the state vehicle code. Under the new law, drivers with a Level 1 or Level 2 graduated license cannot use a cellular phone in any way while operating a motor vehicle on a highway or street. This includes making or receiving a call, texting, and listening or engaging in verbal communication through a cell phone. It does not prohibit using voice-operated systems integrated into the vehicle. The restriction also does not apply if the driver is reporting a traffic accident, medical emergency, serious road hazard, a situation where the driver believes they are in danger, or a crime or potential crime being committed against themselves or another person. Level 1 and 2 licenses are issued to young drivers before they receive their permanent licenses. The Howell police are asking parents to discuss these changes with young drivers. (TD)