5/6/13 - A group of walkers that included dozens of local students, parents, and staff members, and a state legislator announced its anti-bullying message through the Fenton area yesterday afternoon. The walk was an action by the Starfish Initiative, a Lake Fenton High School activism group. The group gets its name from a story in which a man sees hundreds of starfish washed up on shore and begins throwing them back into the sea. When he is told that he cannot possibly help them all, he points out that he is still doing good by helping those he can. More than 50 people, including State Representative Joe Graves, turned out for yesterday's walk, which traveled along Silver Parkway from Silver Lake Road to Owen Road and back. The group was led by a banner to display their anti-bullying message to passers-by. The walk included students from other districts from around the county, including Linden and Grand Blanc. A similar walk was held by the group in December. (TD)