11/7/12 - A special guest will be appearing at the local showing of an award winning film later this month. The Brighton District Library will be showing the film "Black and Blue" - the story of Gerald Ford, Willis Ward and the 1934 Michigan-Georgia Tech football game. Library officials say "Black and Blue" is not just about football but civil rights before the movement led by leaders such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. The film inspired 8-year-old Genna Urbain of Brighton to seek recognition for Ward, who will be the special guest attending the film screening. The 2nd-grader successfully lobbied the state legislature to declare October 20th as Willis Ward Day, which is the anniversary of the University of Michigan vs. Georgia Tech football game. The showing will take place on Sunday, November 18th from 2 to 4pm at the Brighton District Library. More information or to register, click on the attachment below. (JM)