9/1/13 - The Howell Downtown Development Authority has formed an ad-hoc committee to address the needs of bicyclists in the city's downtown business area. Bicycles and similar wheeled vehicles are currently prohibited on sidewalks in the central business district, where there are reports of near-misses and a perception of danger for pedestrians coming out of businesses. Director Diane Larkin says the DDA wants to help clarify the rules for riding bikes in the downtown, improve the safety for cyclists, and increase access for bicycle riders. A committee to address these issues has been formed, and its members have been given assignments after its first meeting in August. It plans to work with police and schools on an educational component, improve signage to make bicycle rules more easily understood, add symbols to the streets of downtown to make it safer for bicycles to ride in the roads, and increase access to bike racks in the downtown. Larkin says riding on sidewalks is allowed on side streets, so installing more bike racks would allow cyclists to reach the downtown area and lock up their bikes before continuing on foot. The committee may seek grant money for these improvements. Its next meeting will be held in September, with the goal of having a plan to roll out in October. (TD)