9/10/13 - The discovery of West Nile Virus locally has health officials reminding residents to take precautions. After two Livingston County birds tested positive for West Nile Virus last month, the Livingston County Department of Public Health has issued a release listing personal protection steps residents should take including using insect repellent when outdoors; if the weather permits wearing long sleeves, pants and socks; empty standing water from around your premises to limit breeding and reporting dead birds to health officials. They also advise to take extra care when outdoors during dawn and dusk, which are peak mosquito biting hours. While most people who become infected with West Nile Virus do not develop symptoms, 20% will develop a fever among other symptoms that can include headache, fatigue and gastro-intestinal distress. Less than 1% of people can develop serious neurologic illnesses with additional symptoms including neck stiffness, disorientation, tremors, seizures, or paralysis. Anyone who suspects they may be infected is urged to contact their doctor immediately. Any other questions or concerns can be directed to the health department at 517-546-9858.