11/14/12 - The Livingston County Sheriffâs Department was authorized by the County Commission last night to enter into standardized contracts for its services. Undersheriff Mike Murphy tells WHMI that the idea first came about after Enbridge Energy contracted with the Sheriffâs Department for increased security earlier this year. He says the department had been conducting business using less formal agreements, but when questions were raised about the Enbridge agreement legal counsel told the department to formalize the process. Murphy says the contract will be a simple document outlining the nature and timing of the services to be provided, and it will cover issues such as liability that had not been explicitly stated in the past. The contract can be used by other organizations like local municipalities and subdivisions to request and pay for increased sheriffâs department protection. Contracts would be signed by the contracting party, the sheriff, and the chair of the County Commission. Murphy says the decision will make providing specialized services much easier in the future and described the new system as a good thing for everybody. (TD)