1/1/14 - Tickets are now on sale and help is being sought for an event this month to benefit a local man battling cancer. Jason Miller of Brighton is currently fighting a cancerous brain tumor which has left him unable to work to support his wife and daughter. On Saturday, January 18th, a benefit spaghetti dinner and silent auction will be held at Chilson Hills Church, where Miller is a member. Those who provide a suggested donation amount can attend to get a spaghetti dinner, beverages and dessert as well as access to the silent auction. Items donated by individuals and businesses around the county will be up for bid, including a ride in a World War II-era plane, a duck hunting trip, various jewelry items, and spa treatments. In addition to selling tickets, organizers are looking for volunteers to help with preparation, setup, serving, and cleanup for the event. Anyone interested in tickets or volunteering can contact Sue Ping at (734) 878-9365 or Peggy Streight at (248) 437-2533. (TD)