11/19/12 - The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments presented the Livingston County Board of Commissioners with its Sustainable Community Recognition Program award last week. SEMCOG Chairman and Green Oak Township Clerk Mike Sedlak tells WHMI that the county received the award due to a wide range of programs, including the development of a green infrastructure plan and an access management plan for the Grand River corridor. So far only six of the awards have been given out. Livingston is the second county to receive the award, but with previous awards having gone to the City of Howell and Green Oak Township it is the first county to have the award presented at three levels of government. Commissioner Steve Williams says the County Commission may have gotten the presentation, but credit for the award belongs to people, organizations, and elected officials all around the county for their efforts to keep Livingston green and its quality of life high. SEMCOG also informed the county that it would be increasing its participation dues by $4,000 beginning next year. (TD)