3/24/14 - Registration is now open for a golf game to raise money for a Fenton family. The Bradley Smith Memorial Scholarship Golf Outing will take place on May 10th at Fenton Farms Golf Course. The event is $80 per player or $320 per team for 18 holes of golf with cart. Proceeds from the event will go to benefit the family of Bradley Smith, who passed away due to a pulmonary embolism in 2011. The golf outing was held that year and every spring since then, according to MLive.com. So far more than $35,000 has been raised for his surviving family, which has helped establish a college fund for his two children. The event will include prizes for the top teams, individual holes, and the longest drive, as well as dinner and door prizes. Sponsorship opportunities are also available, ranging from $100 to $300. For more information, email Mark A. Gallagher at magallagher@mdeintl.com. (TD)