4/24/14 - A couple of misunderstandings are being blamed for one parent getting upset over some messages put out on the official Twitter feed for Legacy High School in Hartland. Earlier this week, an anonymous party claiming to be a Hartland parent sent an email complaining about two posts made to the social media site by Principal Kirk Evenson. The first was a reposting of a tweet put out by Pope Francis, and the second was a reposting of a tweet asking old teachers to retire for the sake of the districtâs budget. The official position of the district is that Evenson had meant to report the popeâs message on his private account, but accidentally used the official school account instead. The anonymous complainant tells WHMI that he understands that mistake, but the district should consider improving the oversight of the official Twitter feed to prevent a similar incident in the future. As for the second tweet, the district says the statements calling for teacher retirements were from a satirical Twitter account that is actually meant to support teachers. That satirical Twitter account has at least one Legacy High School teacher among its followers. (TD)