5/19/14 - Residents who wish to become directly involved in the countyâs family court system will have that opportunity through a program run by LACASA Center. The Court Appointed Special Advocate is now accepting applications for its summer volunteer training program. CASA volunteers are specially trained to serve as advocates for children from Livingston County who are in the foster care system or the family court system. The 30-hour training program involves a combination of in-person classroom sessions and online course work. Training begins on Thursday, June 12, and runs through July 10. Upon completion of the training program, volunteers are appointed to the CASA program by a Livingston County Family Court judge. CASA volunteers represent children who cannot return home because it is not safe. These volunteers collaborate with attorneys and the foster care system, write evaluations, issue recommendations, and advocate for the best interest of the child they serve in all court proceedings. The deadline to submit applications for the CASA summer volunteer training program is this Friday, May 23. To learn more about the requirements and responsibilities of a CASA volunteer, visit lacasacenter.org or contact CASA Program Director, Sara Applegate at 517-548-1350, ext. 225. (JK)