6/3/14 - At the beginning of the year, Carole Colburnâs student news class, the HAWK News, decided to fund-raise for Find a Cure for FA, or Friedreichâs Ataxia. It's a debilitating and life shortening neuro-muscular disorder that classmate Jack DeWitt suffers from. The class set a goal of raising $3,000 to go towards awareness and research, and held several events throughout the year to raise the money. Tuesday morning, Colburn handed over a check for over $5,000 to Ruth DeWitt, Jackâs mother, who is also on the board of FARA which is the Friedreichâs Ataxia Research Alliance. Colburn was impressed with how the project grew over time. The class held a small ceremony in the school library where the class, and members of the DeWitt family were present. After receiving the check, DeWitt said she was very thankful for what the class had done. The money will go to FARA, who also helps secure grants to go towards research. The organizationâs mission is to find a cure for FA. (AV)