6/13/14 - Some local mud bogging events helped prompt Marion Township to begin work on an event ordinance to make events easier to track and reduce municipal liability. The ordinance was discussed last night at the township boardâs regular meeting. It was precipitated in part by mud bogging events, which officials say have begun to grow in size and prominence recently. One event on June 6th allegedly resulted in fights and an injury, which are still under investigation by the sheriffâs department. The ordinance being discussed by the township would require events large enough to impact the surrounding community to get approval from the township, which would try to regulate hours of operation, parking noise, and safety concerns. It would require residents holding major events to visit the township, explain the event, provide sketches of the layout, address traffic and safety concerns, and describe the food services and sanitation facilities. Depending on the nature of the event, organizers may also be asked to get in contact with the sheriffâs department, ambulance services, and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The audience at last nightâs meeting included some mud bog promoters, who discussed the ordinance with the board. They said while they believe they have the right to hold events on their own property, they understood the townshipâs desire to cover itself in terms of legal liability. They also felt being asked to notify the DEQ was excessive. The ordinance has now gone to the township attorney, who will incorporate some minor changes made by the board. (TD)