6/22/14 - A Howell-based company and one of its employees were among the honorees at the Michigan Works! Association First Annual Prosperity Awards. Thai Summit America was recognized for their $50 million expansion of the companyâs Howell campus and their plans to hire as many as 150 new employees in the next two years. Livingston County Michigan Works! has partnered with Thai Summit through the Skilled Trades Training Fund and other sources to leverage over $265,000 in grants for leadership training, die finishing training and on-the-job training for new employees. Ricky Doyle, one of the new employees at Thai Summit, was also honored at the Awards ceremony, which was held June 4th in Lansing. Doyle said he came to Michigan Works! last year as a homeless, unemployed 21-year-old high school dropout. Michigan Works! helped him enroll in a welding class at Mott Community College-Livingston Center and he began work on his GED. The Michigan Works! Association says the Prosperity Awards are an opportunity for state leaders to recognize the work of job makers and local workers with dozens of honorees from across the state receiving awards presented by their local lawmakers and state workforce development officials. (JK)