6/27/14 - A presentation was given last night in the historic Howell Opera House to delve into the history of Michiganâs opera houses and the culture they developed. Opera House historian Kevin Peshick spoke to a group of about 20 people about what he considers the golden age of the American opera house, which took place between the Civil War and the First World War. During that time many small towns in Michigan had opera houses, which were essentially theaters and rarely featured actual opera. Troupes of actors would travel by rail between the towns, and audiences would often see not just a live play, but side attractions like vaudeville acts, musical concerts, and songs with projected slides. Peshick says he classifies the Howell Opera House as a classic upstairs opera house, but says it is one of few still in existence with a horseshoe balcony above the regular seating as pictured here. He knows of only 16 such facilities in the entire state, and says the Howell Opera House is a treasure for its unusual and well-preserved structure. Peshick became interested in opera house history as a child, when he obtained a scrap book belonging to Richard Henderson, a troupe leader with ties to Fowlerville. One act attributed to his troupe was a promotion in which local children were invited onto the stage and a live piglet was awarded to whichever one could catch the animal. (TD)