7/10/14 - No criminal charges will be filed in the case of a local high school student accused of spiking a teacherâs coffee with eye drops. After a thorough investigation by the Fowlerville Police Department, the Livingston County Prosecutorâs Office has concluded that there is insufficient legally admissible evidence to support the issuance of any criminal charges against a 17-year-old Fowlerville High School student on allegations that he placed a substance in a teacherâs drink. Prosecutor Bill Vailliencourt tells WHMI that while Fowlerville Community Schools was able to take disciplinary action, "the administrative standards governing decisions by schools to impose discipline are different from the stricter constitutional and legal standards that apply to criminal cases". School administrators began looking into the allegations after hearing rumors about a student placing Visine eye drops in the teacherâs coffee or water. The Fowlerville Police Department later launched a formal investigation. The math teacher believes she was poisoned over a five-day period beginning around May 12th and suffered severe stomach pains and throbbing headaches that kept her from school. The student has not been identified and was initially suspended from school for ten days. However that was extended to 180 days, a full school year, after a disciplinary hearing by the Board of Education.(JM)