7/14/14 - The Livingston Educational Service Agency is collecting supplies for its annual Backpacks for Kids program. Every year, LESA collects backpacks and school supplies through the summer which are then distributed free of charge to hundreds of children from around the county before the beginning of the school year. This will be the 14th year the program has taken place in Livingston County, and collection for the event is now underway. Organizers say they are in need of sturdy backpacks, spiral notebooks, two-pocket folders, three-ring loose leaf paper, pens, highlighters, scissors, and other common school supplies. A full list of needed materials can be found on the LESA Facebook page. Donations can be delivered Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 4pm at the LESA Administration building, located at 1425 West Grand River, west of downtown Howell. For more information, call (517) 540-6833. (TD/JK)