7/21/14 - The Arise Liberia program started after Sarah VanderVelde, who teaches all over the world, noticed a big need for education in the Liberian village of Gbanga near the capitol of Monrovia. She and her father, Pastor Dan VanderVelde of the Fowlerville Freedom Center, are now planning to take a group of local volunteers to the village around Christmas to build the facility that will help provide education and health care for locals. Pastor Dan recently returned from a scouting mission to the village, where he says work on clearing foliage is well underway. Organizers are now mainly concerned with fundraising, with a car show, silent auction, and garage sale planned for August 2nd at the Fowlerville Fair Grounds. VanderVelde tells WHMI volunteering or making donations will help make their dream a reality. Donations can be sent to 203 North Collins Street, Fowlerville, MI 48836, with âArise Liberiaâ in the memo line. (TD)