7/30/14 - The City of South Lyon is continuing protection efforts against an unwelcome but familiar summertime buzz. The City Council recently authorized a resolution seeking reimbursement of $1,546 for this yearâs mosquito control projects, which includes providing free repellant towelette packets to residents and applying larvacide treatments to storm water catch basins. Municipalities are eligible to be reimbursed for mosquito protection measures and activities through the Oakland County West Nile Virus Fund. Protection efforts against the pests have been ongoing for years and Oakland County approved South Lyonâs program back in April. The City focuses on resident education and provides materials related to the West Nile Virus as well as how to manage mosquito habitat. The DPW also fills in standing water in public areas as part of efforts to reduce the prime environment for mosquito reproduction. The mosquito repellant wipes are currently available at the South Lyon City Hall but are also handed out during various events and outdoor concerts. (JM)