8/14/14 - A close win in last weekâs Iron Chef event will create more than 313,000 meals for Livingston County residents in need. $104,441 was raised during the 10th annual competition to benefit Gleaners Food Bank of Livingston County. Bridget Green with Gleaners says more than 550 guests attended the fundraiser, which pitted two teams of past Iron Chef winners against each other. Steve Pilon and Tammy Young of the Wooden Spoon in Brighton (pictured) won by just half a point over Jody Brunori of The Laundry in Fenton and Patrick Srock of the Lakelands Golf & Country Club. Proceeds from Iron Chef help provide emergency food aid for local residents. Because filling a truck with food costs approximately $20,000, nearly six full semi-trucks, each of which contains 60,000 meals, can now be purchased. (JK)