9/4/14 - An annual community effort has once again ensured that hundreds of local kids are heading back to school this week properly equipped. The 13th Annual Connect for Kids/Backpacks for Kids event held last month by the Livingston Educational Service Agency, which had been collecting school supplies and backpacks throughout the summer. Over 900 backpacks filled with school supplies and over $17,000 in resource items were distributed on Thursday, August 21st, during the Annual Connect for Kids/Backpacks for Kids Distribution. LESA officials say the effort wouldnât be possible without the assistance of dozens of community partners, including residents, local businesses, churches and community service groups who contributed through donations, volunteer time, and serving as drop-off sites for supplies and backpacks. They estimated that more than 100 volunteers helped to collect supplies, fill backpacks or assist with the distribution event. (JK)