9/5/14 - Hartland Township has completed the sale of more than 100 acres of property acquired due to delinquent assessment payments. The land consists of two parcels, 78.5 acres on the southwest corner of Pleasant Valley and M-59 and another 30 acres on the northwest corner of Fenton Road and M-59. The purchaser, Lansing-based residential developer Mayberry Homes, says Hartland is a growing market for their kind of development. The land was purchased for more than $1.6 million, which by law must be dedicated to the township sewer fund. This is the second time this year township-owned land has been sold to a business. In February, the owners of Spicerâs Orchard purchased two parcels on Clyde Road for $342,000, plus another $508,000 to cover sewer assessments associated with the property. (JK)