9/9/14 - A local official will continue to have a leadership role with a regional legislative policy task force. Livingston County Commissioner Steve Williams chaired the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments Legislative Policy Platform Task Force in 2012. He will now be serving as vice chair, with Canton Township Supervisor Phil LaJoy named chairperson. LaJoy is a former state legislator and his experience was noted in making the appointment. Williams has served on the Livingston County Board of Commissioners since 2005 and recently attended a Harvard University program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government as a Taubman Fellow. Prior to each new session of Congress and Michiganâs Legislature, SEMCOG convenes it Legislative Policy Platform Task Force to guide development of a new policy platform. The task force will meet three times and make a recommendation to SEMCOGâs Executive Committee in December. (JM)