10/14/12 - Some recognizable faces were busy serving coffee and bussing tables at Olden Days Café in Fowlerville on Saturday as part of an event to benefit the Genesis House organization. Genesis House is a nonprofit agency that works to assist adults recovering from mental illness disorders as they make their way back into society. It runs on a clubhouse format in Fowlerville where participants in the program all contribute to its operation. A celebrity server event was held on Saturday, allowing patrons of Olden Days Café to be waited on by local figures such Sheriff Bob Bezotte, Representative Cindy Denby, and Fowlerville Police Chief Tom Couling. All the tips raised by the servers as well as a portion of the meal prices went to Genesis House, and a 50/50 raffle was also held to raise additional funds. Genesis House Executive Director Lee Kellogg was among those participating in the event, and he tells WHMI that the annual fundraiser was largely organized by Undersheriff Mike Murphy and allows Genesis staff to interact with the community while raising funds. Kellogg says the event was expected to raise about $1000 for Genesis House to help its member integrate into society. (TD)