9/25/14 - Thanks to the heart of the Livingston County community, a disabled Korean War-era Veteran will be able to stay in home. A private investor who felt compelled to help and invaluable community support made saving 82-year-old Ross Dahlbergâs Hamburg Township home possible. Dahlberg is wheelchair bound and suffers from medical issues. He fell behind on his mortgage payments after several surgeries but had applied for assistance through a state program called StepForward. Despite being conditionally approved, his home was foreclosed upon and sold at a sheriff sale for $132,000 last March. The home went into a redemption period and The Livingston County Department of Veterans Services stepped in to assist. Veterans Benefits Counselor Josh Parish tells WHMI everything has been taken care of and Dahlberg is sitting in his home where he will be able to sleep a little more comfortably at night. Parish says Dahlberg will be making monthly payments to the investor to cover the property taxes but everything raised on the GoFundMe webpage as well as excess funds from the sheriff sale will be put into a protected account for Dahlbergâs bills and medical expenses. A new roof is also going up on the home thanks to area business donations and work should be completed in a few days. Parish says Dahlberg is doing great and his health has also been steadily improving, adding nothing could have without all of the community support over the last six months. (JM)