12/25/12 - A traffic island in the City of Howell has been damaged yet again. City Council met recently and discussed the latest damage to the traffic island in front of The Shark Club on Michigan Avenue/D-19 near I-96. It was reported that a very intoxicated female driver took out four trees and some lights in the island, which were just replaced not too long ago. The latest incident is the third to occur within one year related to impaired driving and Mayor Phil Campbell indicated that something other than trees might be better suited in the traffic island, such as native grasses or even decorative rocks. Most members said they preferred trees in the island being that Howell is a Tree City USA but would still be open to other options. Councilman Doug Heins again stated his belief that the islands are of poor design and should be removed altogether but others said the island helped prevent vehicles from crossing over into oncoming traffic, creating more serious accidents. The City has so far been able to avoid the cost of repairing the traffic island since the insurance companies representing past at-fault drivers have paid for the damage. Photo from Mayor Campbell's blogspot. (JM)