1/3/13 - State officials are asking local municipalities to take over the inspection of fireworks vendors, and last night the Green Oak Fire Department got permission to do just that. Last year the state legislature approved the sale of larger fireworks by licensed vendors, and the state fire marshallâs office was in charge of inspecting establishments seeking licenses. The number of applicants far exceeds the capacity of the state to inspect them, so local municipalities are now being offered compensation to perform the inspections themselves. Green Oak Deputy Fire Chief Kevin Gentry says his department has been inspecting the fireworks vendors already as a matter of public safety, so accepting state money to do it was an obvious move. He says last year only three vendors sought licenses to sell large fireworks because the law was passed just before fireworks season. With more time to prepare, Gentry expects the number of vendors seeking licenses this year to be in the double-digits. Gentry says the department should get about $5,000 to $8,000 for performing the inspections, which should make the operation cost-neutral. (TD)