1/9/13 - A Brighton Township woman has drawn inspiration from a real family tragedy to make her first fictional novel a fast-paced thriller. Lynne Smelser's "In Our Veins" was released late last year. The story features a scientist who creates a deadly flu virus that escapes from his lab, but is thwarted by a major drug company and government agents who want to use the virus as a biological weapon. He also must face kidnappers who have taken his daughter, who is infected with the deadly virus, and are trying to create a cover-up. Smelser, who holds a Ph.D. in English, has been previously published in Newsweek, Education Digest, and Home & School Magazine. She says her grandfather's two sons died from a flu epidemic in the late 1930s while living on a farm in Arkansas. Family members later told her stories about the incident which you used to help create her story. (JK)