4/15/13- Howell may become the home for a new public dog park. Howl & Bark Dog Park, a non-profit association, is working towards developing a park where pet-owners can bring their dogs to run free and socialize with other dogs. Some of the parkâs features will include benches, picnic tables, and agility equipment for dogs. Adam Targanski, President of Howl & Bark says the park will be open to those who purchase an annual membership that will run somewhere between $30 and $60. The Livingston County Board of Commissioners owns the land Howl & Bark would like to lease for the dog park. The request to lease the property is currently under review by the countyâs Committee of Parks and Open Spaces. With Livingston Countyâs backing for the project, Howl & Bark plans to move forward with fundraising efforts. (SO)