1/30/13 - A street count of homeless individuals within Livingston County is being taken today. The count takes place every other year and impacts the funding and assistance that Livingston County gets to help those in need. The Livingston County Homeless Continuum of Care and various partners are working in coordination to get the most complete count possible of individuals who are living in places that are not meant for human habitation such as cars, vacant homes, tents or others. Homeless individuals in the county are being encouraged to stop by one of the following locations today, get counted and receive a free hot meal up until 6pm. They include St. Patrickâs Catholic Church in Brighton, the Peopleâs Church in Pinckney, St. Agnes Catholic Church in Fowlerville, the Connection Youth Services in Howell or St. Joseph Catholic Church in Howell. Anyone who works or volunteers at a location frequently visited by homeless individuals who are not currently in a shelter program but may be receiving other services from an agency or church are being asked to help promote the street count. Individuals currently in a shelter with a housing agency such as LACASA, The Salvation Army of Livingston County or OLHSA will be counted by agency staff and do not need to seek out an alternative count location. Complete information click on the attachment below. (JM)