2/8/13 - After noticing that some properties owned by the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority were zoned as residential, the Green Oak Township Planning Commission recommended rezoning several local parcels last night. The commission identified 11 parcels owned by the HCMA and 15 owned by the township that were incorrectly zoned as residential, including three cemeteries, two fire stations, and the township hall. The commission recommended the parcels be rezoned as public land, a designation that exists specifically for parcels such as these. Township Planner Don Wortman says the discrepancies in zoning could have been brought about by purchases of new land by the township and HCMA without corresponding zoning changes. He says the new zoning will make it easier to identify and understand the extent of public land when looking at zoning maps of the township. The township board will get the final say in whether the rezoning takes place. (TD)