2/12/13 - Last night was the first meeting for a committee working to establish a one-building historic district around the Howell Opera House. The Opera House Historic District Study Committee is chaired by Downtown Development Authority intern Lindsey Wooten. She says the creation of such a district would have significant benefits for the Opera House and for the city as a whole. The Opera House was built in 1881, but the current arrangement is the result of a 1938 renovation. A historical district for the Opera House would be entitled to receive federal preservation tax incentives, the Opera House would receive protection for its historic character, and the city itself would gain increased access to grant money for having the district. Right now the committee is in the process of writing a report to be submitted to the state as well as the City of Howell detailing the history and current characteristics of the building. Once that is complete a series of meetings will be held to create an ordinance to be put into effect for the district that would protect it from exterior changes that would damage its historical nature. A public hearing will be held on that ordinance in late April. Once that ordinance is in place and a historic district commission has been appointed to manage it, the state legislature can approve the creation of the historic district. Mayor Phil Campbell attended last nightâs committee meeting. He says the city wants the historic district created as soon as possible, and he said the act of preserving the Opera House was itself a historic undertaking. (TD)