2/23/13 - An open house next week will gather public input for the Brighton Township Master Plan, which is due for review and revision this year. Township Planner Kelly Mathews tells WHMI the master plan needs to be revisited every five years, and the municipality always wants public input. In 2003 a survey was sent to all the homes in the township, and in 2008 small focus workshops were held. For this update the township put out surveys for the master plan update last summer, and the open house on Wednesday will expand on that. It will take place at the fire hall on Old US-23, and residents can show up anytime between 5:30 and 7:30pm. Township staff will be on hand to share information, take input, and answer questions. Those who cannot attend the open house can fill out a short questionnaire at the township hall or request that one be sent to their home through the mail. The questionnaire can also be filled out online. A link to that is posted at WHMI.com. Mathews says the master plan update will probably be completed sometime this fall. (TD)