11/20/13 - A new Facebook page will serve as a communication tool between the Livingston County Department of Public Health and the public. The site was launched on November 14th as a way to provide 24/7 communication with the people served by the department. Updates are posted twice daily at noon and 5pm with information on services, advisories, and public health topics. The timing of those posts will be adjusted as the site gathers data on when users view the page. More posts will be added in emergency situations to keep the public advised about things such as sheltering in place, vaccinations, and boiling water. The page will also be updated for special events as well as to announce changes in programming schedules or to correct false rumors about public health. It will be monitored 24 hours a day, making it an alternative way to contact the Department of Public Health, but the department can still be contacted by phone during its normal hours of operation. A link to the new Facebook page can be found at the Department of Public Health's website, or by clicking on the link below. (TD)