3/25/14 - Livingston County will soon have an updated Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, complimented by new community profiles. The Livingston County Department of Planning puts together a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy document every couple years, which is intended to provide a broad perspective on economic goals and initiatives. The full document is almost finished and should be ready within a week according to Principal Planner Scott Barb. He says the latest document picks up where the other left off and includes a lot of refreshed data based on the 2010 census figures. As part of the latest economic strategy, Principal Planner Scott Barb tells WHMI that he and planning staff created community profiles for the 20 different municipalities that make up Livingston County. Barb says the profiles provide a general snapshot of each with information that potential developers, businesses and residents tend to look for when relocating to a new community such as population and demographics, business opportunities and community facilities. The new community profiles are complete and will be updated as needed. They can be viewed on the economic development page of the Livingston County Department of Planningâs website. A link is posted below. (JM)