12/18/12 - Members of a local congregation say legislation that would allow weapons in public places such as schools, churches, sporting arenas and libraries only puts communities at an even greater risk during what it calls an epidemic of violence. 68 members of the Community Unitarian Universalists in Brighton, which is led by The Rev. Yvonne Schumacher Strejcek, signed a petition during its Sunday service asking that Governor Rick Snyder veto what they feel is very dangerous legislation. The petition, which Strejcek delivered Monday, says they do not want guns in their congregation and feel the places included in the legislation are places where weapons should be banned. The group says the shooting deaths of so many innocent school children in Connecticut occurred right after the Michigan legislature passed Senate Bill 59, making both their anguish and anger acute. Governor Snyder has said that he's giving close scrutiny to the gun legislation and that his public safety concerns have been heightened and "deserve extra consideration" following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. A complete copy of the petition sent by CUUB can be viewed below. (JM)