1/3/14 - At the start of the calendar year the Livingston County Board of Commissioners has to select its leadership, and last night the commissioners decided they were happy with the status quo. Board Chair Carol Griffith and Vice-Chair Steve Williams were both unanimously chosen to retain their positions on the board, and in fact no nominations were made to oppose them. Williams says the positions include a lot of extra time and effort spent to provide policies and leadership to the board and department heads, so it is prudent to elect new leaders at the beginning of every year to give the incumbents a chance to step down gracefully in case they have developed other obligations. Now that she will be heading up the board for another year, Griffith says goals identified by the Commission for the new year include looking at workforce planning, succession planning, jail expansion, and developing innovative services. Williams adds that the county, like the state, is still feeling the effects of the recession, and it will take effort and cooperation to finish getting back on track. (TD)