1/6/14 - The City of Brighton has wrapped up its snow plowing and salting services for the day and will resume efforts in the morning. In response to Sunday's massive snowfall, the Brighton City Department of Public Services worked continuously to plow and salt the streets of the city for the safety of residents. Those efforts wrapped up at about 3:30 this afternoon after 34 consecutive hours of work. Snow related salting and plowing will resume at 6am tomorrow. The city is now asking that residents contact the DPS office or the city manager to bring attention to areas that are in need of plowing or salting, which will be shared with crews tomorrow morning. That contact information can be found on the municipality's website, a link to which is posted below. Emergency services around the county, including the Brighton Area Fire Authority, are urging residents to keep their driveways and nearby fire hydrants clear during times of snow so they can reach and serve residents in need. (TD)