3/18/14 - Fowlerville Schools officials are looking to dump a disused school property that is putting a drain on district resources. Parkers Corners lies to the south of town and has been vacant since the district moved the alternative education program to its main campus more than 10 years ago. The district is now looking to return the building and the associated land to the Driver Family, which leased a half acre to the district for $1 and sold an additional 4.5 acres for $1,400 back in the 1950's. The terms of those agreements would have the half acre with the building on it revert to the family automatically, while they would have the first right to purchase the additional land for the sales price. Superintendent Wayne Roedel says although it is boarded up quite well, the district gets calls about vandals breaking into the building every three to four months. He tells WHMI he hopes the board of education will give him permission to execute the sales agreement soon, since the building costs the district about $1,500 annually to insure and maintain. What will happen to the building will be up to the Driver Family, which could choose to renovate or demolish the empty structure. (TD)