5/31/14 - A Fowlerville high school student accused of spiking a teacherâs coffee with eye drops has not only been suspended for an entire school year but could face criminal charges as well. Fowlerville Police investigated the alleged incident and Livingston County Prosecutor Bill Vailliencourt told WHMI on Friday that his office has received the departmentâs report and the matter is under review. School administrators had heard rumors about a student placing Visine eye drops in the teacherâs coffee or water and quickly investigated. The math teacher believes she was poisoned over a five-day period beginning around May 12th and had "horrible symptoms" including severe stomach pains and throbbing headaches that kept her from school. The student, who has not been identified, was initially suspended for ten days but it was extended to 180 days following a disciplinary hearing by the Board of Education. (JM)