3/6/13 - Automatic spending cuts at the federal level have kicked in for the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency, and access to its services will be reduced to cope with the loss of revenue. The federal government is one of the bodies that contributes to OLHSAâs budget, and the spending cuts will reduce available funding to the organization by $800,000 between now and October. To compensate for this 5% reduction in funding, OLHSA will be reducing more than 150 non-union employees from 40 hours per week to 36, permanently laying off three union employees, and leaving vacant three open positions. The agencyâs facilities will also be closed on Fridays for the foreseeable future. Public Relations Representative Lindsey Walenga tells WHMI that OLHSA will do its best to maintain service levels despite the funding cuts and none of the services will be completely eliminated. The human service agency says it may have to make further cuts in the future if a long-term solution to the federal sequestration problem is not found. (TD)